Gender-based violence (GBV) and intimate partner/interpersonal violence (IPV) are pervasive problems impacting millions of women and gender-diverse people across Canada. However, a knowledge gap exists in understanding the relationship between GBV and housing insecurity. To address this, CCHR undertook a research project to examine the relationship between GBV and housing insecurity in five Ontario communities. This report presents key findings from our research with service providers and survivors of GBV or IPV to illustrate how the ongoing crisis of housing affordability in Ontario is impacting survivors’ pathways out of contexts in which they are experiencing violence.
In this policy brief, we identify specific policy tools that are available to governments at the municipal, provincial, territorial, and federal levels to preserve the dwindling supply of affordable private rental market homes that already exist in Canada.
This toolbox provides a list of practical resources to support your leadership and advocacy work, with tools to increase your understanding of the right to housing in Canada.