Announcing the recipients of the 2023 Canadian Right to Housing Research Fellowship

March 3, 2023

The Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (CCHR) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Canadian Right to Housing Research Fellowships:

Brittany Cormier and Monika Imeri

Brittany Cormier and Monika Imeri

About the fellowship

The Canadian Right to Housing Fellowship program aims to foster and promote research that advances understanding of the housing landscape in Canada and of housing as a human right.  

About the 2023 fellows

Brittany Cormier

Brittany is a master’s student at Saint Mary’s University, a qualitative researcher and an abstract painter based in Charlottetown, PEI. She holds a first-class standing bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in sociology from the University of Prince Edward Island. Brittany studies hidden and at-risk forms of homelessness in her community, as well as evictions and housing discrimination experienced by tenants. Her recent work includes research and administration, provincial-level policy work, and program delivery in the non-profit sector.  

As a research fellow with CCHR, her project will examine discriminatory practices in the rental housing sector, examining the impacts of housing discrimination on communities and how it undermines the right to housing.  

Monika Imeri

Monika is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Geography at Carleton University. She holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from Middle East Technical University in Turkey, where she graduated summa cum laude in city planning. She is actively engaged with local community organizations and advocates for urban justice in Ottawa, where she is based.   

As a research fellow with CCHR, her project will examine the multidimensional impacts of development-led displacement in Ottawa. She will take an ethnographic case study approach to document the lived experiences of tenants from equity-deserving communities who have been affected by dispossession, housing insecurity, and discrimination in Ottawa. The project will uncover and shed light on the lived realities of displacement and its impacts on equity-deserving populations. 

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